"Post 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, link back to the person who awarded you and pass along for up to ten people."
1. Family - Can't deny this one is number one! They drive me crazy, but their constant love & support keeps me fulfilled, connected, & grounded.
2. My Boyfriend - he is truly my rock as well as my number one fan! I adore him - after almost 3 years of hardships & insane bliss, I am so happy to have him in my life. Just thinking about him makes me happy :)
3. Crafting! My head is always full of a million ideas...I love bringing my dreams to life, which is why I'm taking some serious sewing classes this month! :)
4. EATING GOOD FOOD - Man. I am a huge foodie and love writing about it too -- if you're on YELP too, give me a holler! Chances are if it's coated in white cheddar cheese or covered in 3 types of mushrooms, I'm going to love it.
5. COOKING GOOD FOOD - I LOVE to cook! And it makes me happy when it turns out well...lots of times it doesn't ;_; ... but when it does, I'm on top of the world! My Mom thinks it's crazy that I enjoy cooking...but when I'm back from a long day of work, it is soooo relaxing to just chop, slice and fry things. Good stress relief!
6. Random Acts of Kindness. See RandomnesswithKhris above!
7. Shopping - Especially internet shopping because then you get exactly what you want!!! Instant gratification! I bought my phone charm in Japantown LA. So kawaii!
8. TRAVEL - and I don't mean the kind to and from work. Lol. I want to travel the world one day...Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, Hawaii, New York etc. etc. I promised myself to visit (and revisit) all of these places before I turn 30! I'm really just a big tourist at heart.
9. Memories - Looking back at all the things that I've been blessed enough to do in my life makes me happy. It also motivates me to continue making more awesome memories in the future!
10. Blogging!!! Kind of cheated on this one since I'm 'doing' it today. ;) Connecting to people from around the world is an **AMAZING** feeling. I get a high off of you people! lol.
I'm passing both of these along to the following Sexy Ladies!!
Sharlene of I-lashes!
(who, by the way, is currently having a STILA GIVEAWAY on her blog right now!
Steph of DSK Jewelry because her happy necklace continues to keep me happy :)
Sophia at Kechiko
Kym of herrohachi tees -- I must become a fan on fb, totally cute! Ok done. :
Speaking of which, Oh Hai! to Katie Ngo & Aracely!

From Lolcats
The 2010 Winter Olympics started today! The mascots are adorable!

Image from http://media.nowpublic.net/images/
Awww, *hugs* Thanks for tagging me! I will do this soon. Not really in the mood for making new posts. Lol, you know that feeling?
Wanted to let you know you're SO BEAUTIFUL! (You have THE prettiest smile, ^_~ ) I loved your other picture with your fur coat on, too! Can't believe there is snow in TX?
Yes yes! Come to Hawaii! :D *Siiiigh* I wanna travel to those places too! :D One day...
Yaay thanks for the tag! :D
Wow I want to visit Paris, Hawaii and Japan as well!
The photo of you with the inverted triangle looks like the one in the movie, "The Da Vinci Code"...is it the same place?
<3 I'm glad I can make a Happy! lol
I'm so glad I was able to make your day! It was my first time, and I knew i had to tag you because I absolutely love your blog! :)
:) loved reading your post!
awws.. lovely hugs for you! i love traveling too, i wish i can travel too. thinking of backpacking across asia one day! I'm glad I make you happy! Blog world keeps me thinking of the world i am.
<3 yumi
Hi Irene! Hahaha, I know huh. I like how its 25 percent buffet also. THANKS! Congrats on your awards as well. I really do love your blog. and Cute! Oh, and hi Irene! Hehe. :]
I'm glad, us, your bloggers make you happy. Looking forward to more of your posts!
<3Katie Ngo
@glitteryeyesxx - haha - I know the feeling (aka today) ... And Thank you so much!!! I think you are absolutely gorgeous as well, with brains and personality to boot ;)
@.maitai - Seriously, how is living in paradise? :) I would love to come to Hawaii again one day...just visited Oahu last year and fell in love.
@Bowsnhearts - yes - this was taken a few years ago in Paris right outside of the Louvre! I only stayed for a few days, but I fell in love with Paris too...everybody there is so beautiful!!!
@DSKSteph - *^_^*
@RandomnesswithKhris - I love your positive energy! Thanks again for being so thoughtful ^_^
@Yumiko - Good luck with all your exams -- hope they are over now! Maybe one day we will bump into each other on one of our crazy cross-global trips :D
@Katie - Looking forward to your next post ;) Happy to meet fellow buffet afficianados too lol.
Hi there Irene!
OMGGG~ i love that hello kitty (phone charm?? i think) ahh~ sooo cute <33
anyways, I actually use the Missha BB Cream. And that skin79 Mini BB set is actually my giveaway.
so if you are interested please enter my BB cream giveaway <333
Thanks for the tag, Irene!
Your right, blogging is an amazing way to meet amazing people from around the world, such as yourself. (I hope that wasnt too cheesey.. its the truth though)
Wishing you & your BF a happy Valentines!
Jess Mai
Hi Irene! Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Hehe thanks for the tag ^_^ I like your top 10 list! And I'm on yelp too! Though I don't write many reviews.. Speaking of white cheddar cheese, do you like Pirate's Booty? I used to be so addicted to it, and eat a big bag every day hehe.
@Jessica Mai - Thanks!!! I love cheese, it is much appreciated - and that goes right back at you! Happy ♥ Day to you too! :)
@Nikki - oooh I think I will enter hehe...I'll put up a link on my next post!
@Sophia - I LOVE Pirate's Booty. Except one year it was recalled for awhile due to some type of contamination so I avoided it for awhile. I also love Smart Food White Cheddar Cheese Popcorn. Yum!!!
Happpy Valentines and Happy CNY! :) I love love love how the HK necklace is two parts with the glasses! so cute! hahaha! ;P
@Kym - Hope you had a great V-day/CNY as well!!! No red pockets for me this year hehe ;_;
I love Hello Kitty nerd form!
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